Friday, June 8, 2012


Another post. Yay. :D

As the title says, this entry is about justice. Or should I say "justice".
One major road block to a real peace I believe is that not everyone acts according to the same sense of justice. We all seem to have our own reasons and rationalizations for why we do some things. Personal justice, in other words. We want to get even with people for the wrongs they've done to us, whether or not hindsight finds it to be petty. To many (most, perhaps), that's justifiable and I'm not saying I'm not among "most" here.
However, if we're constantly seeking revenge under the banner of justice, that justice would only create more revenge, no?
I wrong you, and you wrong me. We'd be bound by chains of anger and hatred, forging more links in it and perhaps we all are with others to some degree. Maybe forgiveness is the key to liberating us from our bonds, but I'm not sure if that's the answer either. One could just as easily become a doormat.

I'm not really sure honestly.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Quest, I Forsee

Well, here I am. A 19-year old. Recently became an Atheist, by the way. While it may seem odd that an atheist would have a username containing "Savior", it's simply a nod to an anime I watch. ;D

Anywho, I've been quite saddened at the state of the world and humanity itself for quite some time now. While to those of us who exist within our little bubble of peace (in major countries, namely), all is [seemingly] well. But I see things differently. There's just so much hatred and conflict. Some of these have names like 'bullying', 'gossiping' and 'cyber-bullying' and the like. However, the general attitude, ignorance and behavior I've seen between people is quite repulsive.

And I've wanted to do something about all of this hatred and pain, but I've no clue what must be done. What do I know about this world in which I've lived so little in? So it really became my dream above all others to seek such an answer. Is a peace between humans possible? Could we ever overcome our differences and live in true harmony? Such questions I've actually asked a few random people about, and the general response has been that duch a thing is impossible and my time is better spent doing something else. But I recall someone (wisely) telling me that "the only sure-fire way for something to be out of the realm of possibility is to never truly attempt it", and I believe that to be true. So I'll keep on searching for an answer and hoping that perhaps one day our world could get on a track towards that supposedly impossible goal. But I need your help, and your thoughts.....................................