Friday, June 8, 2012


Another post. Yay. :D

As the title says, this entry is about justice. Or should I say "justice".
One major road block to a real peace I believe is that not everyone acts according to the same sense of justice. We all seem to have our own reasons and rationalizations for why we do some things. Personal justice, in other words. We want to get even with people for the wrongs they've done to us, whether or not hindsight finds it to be petty. To many (most, perhaps), that's justifiable and I'm not saying I'm not among "most" here.
However, if we're constantly seeking revenge under the banner of justice, that justice would only create more revenge, no?
I wrong you, and you wrong me. We'd be bound by chains of anger and hatred, forging more links in it and perhaps we all are with others to some degree. Maybe forgiveness is the key to liberating us from our bonds, but I'm not sure if that's the answer either. One could just as easily become a doormat.

I'm not really sure honestly.

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